Whenever I watch horses in motion or in their gentle stillness I feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the beauty in life. That sense then gets compounded by another strong feeling of nostalgia. I used to ride. I loved being around horses as a young girl. It was a world unto itself- an escape. A world that offered a deep dose of intensity for the senses-- the smell of the horses and their stalls, the leather of the saddles and bridals-- the hay, the barns, the fields. The sound of the roosters, hens and geese that would scatter and recollect in different parts of the yard. The voices of the horses, whinnying --their hooves on the cement, stone and grass-- the textures of their strong manes and soft whiskered lips. The sweetest feeling in the palm of one's hand is the gentle kiss of horse lips. I miss those days. They were simpler times. So in honor of those memories I made this collage.
I used the Breyer horse models that I'm selling in 5gardenias vintage and some lovely wide banded lace trim soon to be listed. It seems... no-- it feels.. like a perfect day for nostalgia.
Wishing everyone a day in which you remember something that made you intensely happy.