
Finally a few sweet and lovelies to share with you from OhDearViolet. With July nearly over I find myself wondering where on earth summer has gone to?  I've tried to take a little more time off than I normally allow myself --so posts and shop listings have been on the slow side. I must admit I feel a tinge of guilt for falling behind. Still I think it's best to slow down and smell the summer roses. Some stores have already started stocking their autumn items-- I'm just not ready for that! And while these finds aren't exactly summery-- they are most definitely not intended to rush you into Autumn mode. Happy Tuesday to you all : )
from top left and clockwise:
an antique silhouette portrait of a woman from the 1934 World's fair with handwritten date and signature in pencil on the paper backing ( I just love when original handwriting is coupled with a beautiful piece-- such an added bonus of specialness!)
vintage metal mesh rose findings -- so perfect for jewelry making
and the dearest antique petite point ( very tiny fine needlepoint ) and glass perfume bottle with gold washed ornate framework.


Anitque Paper Box Collection We've had such a rainy summer so far that we had a slight mold outbreak in our lower basement where my vintage and antiques are stored. The silver lining was that it forced me to unpack more boxes that were still sitting unopened after our move. After inspecting and doing some mild cleaning here and there, and finally setting up a dehumidifier, and air purifier everything is in good order. I decided to document a few of my faves from my personal collections of vintage and antique items. These are some wonderful early Victorian era paper and cardboard boxes. Some for face powder and theatrical powder, one from a Buffalo jeweler/silversmith, and another is labeled "no. 11" with elaborate decorative borders in sepia. I'll try to post more as I continue to document some of the things I love most. Have a wonderful weekend all!