
global etsy project embrace team

 i just got word today from kristin, of loveartworks on etsy --and team captain of global etsy project embrace--that teamepe is official as of this morning!!!!  for those of you who are wondering... etsy project embrace is an etsy support group brought together by kim, aka slinkymalinkicat  and amy of thepeachtree in order to support fellow etsy artist and friend laura, of creativelytangled who has been undergoing chemotherapy to treat ovarian cancer. laura has been mapping her progress on her blog staytuned09--  a wonderfully inspiring journal of her experiences. laura has provided the light and laughter for all of us with her amazing courage, love and humor... and we are all thrilled for laura as her doctor has reported that her cancer has gone into remission!!!!
now teamepe has grown with over 60 members devoted to offering support and awareness for others who are going through the experience of having cancer. many of the artists are donating to the American Cancer Society with proceeds from their etsy shops-- others are lending moral support and helping in whatever way they are able. i'm excited to be part of this wonderful group!


  1. Yes!!!
    And I loved your banner, makes me want to dance!!!

  2. yayyyy! me too and me too and yes, this banner is perfect! xoxxo
